Saturday, May 30, 2009 @ 9:21 PM
Today's parade was quite 'smooth' I think.But there's always things we can improve on ah.
So anyways, there was something expected that happened today.
Wanna guess?
I was going to join some people who was playing soccer
at the hockey pitch after I lock up the bandroom.
There was Samuel, Domonic, Melvin and others la..
Then I see Karthik lying down at the grass of patch.
So I ask him what happen to him ah?
He said his back was pain. Something like that.
Then his pain started to spread until the point that
he was finding difficulty breathing.
So we brought him over to shelther ah.
Then his condition worsens, and he say its more pain.
There was like no teacher in the school la,
so we had to tell the security guard.
Suddenly, got Mr Nathan who came, and helped Karthik.
Called his parents, call the ambulance.
Then he was brought to the hospital.
Quite frightening to see him in pain like that.
Long Long Day..
Friday, May 29, 2009 @ 9:59 PM
Went to school for meeting of A-Tops.It was superrr long.
From 9am to 12, we only planned halfway.
So after friday prayers, we had to continue our meeting.
Music Room was damn bloody cold, like I can freeza do death.
So we have to keep on and off the aircon.
So after the whole meeting ended, we waited for sufi whose having masterclass.
Then we went to macs to talk for a while.
Talk talk talk.. then 6.30pm
so I have to go home already.
For a holiday, it sure is a tiring day
@ 7:07 AM
Yesterday was like the 'last' day of the school term, though we still need to come back for supplementary classes -.- Damn boring ah. I have no mood to study nowadays. Weather's super hot and its damn uncomfortable. Anyways, Ms Mara gave us lollipops during History lesson, which was the last lesson of the term. She barely did anything. Just talked to us.Got back our results slips too, and I got 6th in class. Haha. Im quite happy with myself frankly. There's band after that. Mr Tan didn't come so we practised some marching songs and drills for AP. So then.. I played a game of Dota when I reached home which was like.. 8.30? Anyways, I got owned like usual but at least I got a kill. It was around 11pm when it finished so I went to sleep..
Luckily today's a holiday. I'm sick of studies for the time being.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 @ 9:45 PM
OKAY! Since the holidays are coming, I pledged to myself to relive this blog XD It's been like 1 month since I posted anything cause of the schoolworks and everything. Anyways, I just bought a new netbook! :) so thats also why I'd blog often now. Okay.. some updates.
Mid-year results was okay. And according to my aims, I achieved it, so yeah.. I feel quite happy about it. Scored 5 A1s, 3Bs and 1 C. Not quite suprised that my malay is the lowest subject. Maybe I should start on reading some malay stuff, considering O Levels Oral is coming up soon.
Nowadays, I dont have the urge to study anymore. I don't know why! Maybe its cause the weather have been so freaking humid and hot for the past few days. And I'm like sweating during lesson. Luckily it rained yesterday so the periods after recess was not that unbearable after all. Haha.
Oh okay. Yesterday I just went to Sufi's house for fun. And it was quite an interesting experience. Haha. Went to played on his computer which I took 1 hour to complete a match. His neighbour's dog made me frigthened cause like it barked out of nowhere. And his brother's damn cute :D Oh and his mum gave us some doughnuts which was damn nice.
Karthik and Sufi were retarded yesterday ah. Everthing I say, they will laugh like mad. People nowadays..
Okay thats about it for now. I need someone to force me to start blogging. Oh and the blog's template gonna be changed soon. :D