Sunday, November 30, 2008 @ 7:57 PM
had ymc yesterday.ate at long john silver for lunch, before going there.
they had some ceremony for the graduating batch.
it was quite boring, but
izhar and the other ri people kept making
lame and sick comments xD
when the thing finished, i had to go home
cause i promised to be home at 7pm.
kamal and the rest went for dinner i think
and came home like 10+
i'd have been slaughtered if i followed them.
Friday, November 28, 2008 @ 7:36 PM
ate at macs for breakfast.my mum took leave, so we went out shopping today.
but had to go friday prayers first though.
took 190 to orchard.
she have to buy something for my grandmum
so we went paragon for a while.
ate lunch there too at delifrance,
cause zaki insists in going there -.-
went plaza sing after that.
cause my mum have to settle some stuff with starhub.
looked around for a bag but there's nothing nice.
so we took a cab to suntec city.
bought my school shoes ,which are from converse :)
searched for a bag but there's wasn't any bag
which i really wanted to buy.
so in the end, we didn't buy my bag.
ate dinner at a food court.
i had this nasi goreng kampung, which was quite spicy.
zaki couldn't finish his food XD
then, we head home after that.
the end :)
Thursday, November 27, 2008 @ 7:47 PM
im starting to like reading.there's like so much time during hols.
so i just read, read and read.
this the first time i ever read so many books
within a month : 4 books and counting.
ok it isn't really a lot of books,
but it is to me :)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 @ 7:21 PM
sectionals as usual today.spent like a lot of time making the '10 commandments'
for our section.
had sax-tion outing after sax-tionals
actually it wasn't really a saxtion outing.
cause only me, sam and dom went.
zuriel went to play lan with the sec 3s.
watched madagascar 2 at plaza sing.
didn't find it very interesting.
its just like any other movie.
but its quite funny i have to admit.
had to go home after that, cause it was getting late.
we went to a yamaha shop first before that.
looked at some stuff like instruments.
there's like a whole collection of saxophones.
damn cool.
anyways, went home with sam and karthik.
talked about some band stuff.
and thats about it. cya.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 @ 7:36 PM
read through a summary of to kill a mockingbird online.the story's quite interesting i guess.
but then again..
when i read the book, it was so freaking complicated.
i could barely understand when they were saying XD.
nothing else happened much today.
so yeah. cya.
Monday, November 24, 2008 @ 8:07 PM
i actually liked band camp, unlike last year.the tops were kinda strict at the start.
we were like given 30 secs from our barracks
to report to the grass patch at the sec 3 block.
but it got a bit slack through the days.
last night of band camp was like the most fun part of the camp.
i think everybody would agree with me on that XD
cause investure was over already,
so all the sec 4s were called 'sir'.
we got to sleep with our sections on that night.
cause its something like a tradition.
my sax-tion went to 2nd floor foyer at first.
chris and dom bought some drinks.
and we went to mix all the drinks together.
so you get a really combination of all the drinks.
played some cards and the loser have to drink.
then we got bored so we went to the track.
a lot of sections were already there la.
lower brass, clarinet, flute.
talked cock for a while.
then it got boring so i went to walk around the track bare-footed.
elton, raphael, bryan and sam joined also.
went to pay a 'visit' at the clarinet section who were sleeping
at the track near the esso.
they were so unfriendly la,
ask us to get lost.
then we walked nearer to the hockey pitch.
lower brass was there.
bryan was like carrying a water gun.
and the lower brass wanted it.
so they chased him around the track.
i went to take the gun from bryan to 'rescue' him XD
then people like karthik started chasing me.
i actually felt i was running faster when i'm bare-footed.
passed the gun to sam
cause my stamina really sucks.
the lower brass got their water gun at the end.
cause no one was there to help samuel.
i think we were making too much noise.
bro jason went out of the brother quarters
and ask us to go back to our barracks.
we went to sleep at alpha barrack.
actually we didn't sleep XD.
walked around the school for like an hour.
the corridors were super spooky.
dom kept taking pictures of the haunted places.
went to the sec 1 block, which was said to be haunted or something.
when we were like going down the stairs,
then sekali got this guy..
he wore this emotionless white mask and jacket with the hood.
then he carried a hockey stick somemore.
some of us got a shock
cause he walked damn stiff.
we didn't really know who it was cause
the guy didn't talk to us and just walked past us.
but we think it was aaron, the sec 4.
got back to our barracks and played some cards.
everybody went to sleep
except dom, bryan and me.
talked cock then suddenly the drummers came to our barrack.
they had this high pitch voice and pretended to be some
scary people i think.
they wanted to like scare us
but we ended up laughing XD
cause they obviously failed in scaring us, they went to the other barracks
to scare people, but they still failed.
we followed them cause we wanted to see the people getting freaked out.
they went to the clarinet barrack and trumpet but
everyone was busy sleeping.
it was like 4am before we started sleeping.
and we woke up 6am on the same day.
was damn sleepy on that day.
somemore, i got two exams to sit for.
madrasah exams.
went well but i don't know..
let's just see the results :)
so anyways..
band camp was kinda fun especially that night.
had passing out parade on sunday.
the final day of the camp.
chris gave me his sargeant rank
and some martial art belt.
and then..
we were dismissed.
the end of band camp'08..
cya sec 4s.
good luck on your olevel results.
18.11.08 [Part 2]
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 @ 8:00 PM
last camp for the sec 4 bandsmen in sji.
last few days of the sec 4s as bandsmen
and may just be the last time i ever see some of them.
BAND CAMP '08, 19/11 - 23/11
@ 7:31 PM
alone at home throughout the morning.zaki had his ncc camp, so i was left alone stoning at the comp.
went school to buy books and uniform.
the books aren't THAT heavy so i can
went to tanglin cc for lunch.
joshua helped me carry some of my books.
cause my hand couldn't take it.
played chinese chess with him.
and i lost -.-
damn it!
i almost won him XD
some trombonists came after that,
talk talk talk for a while then we left.
met dom at the bus stop.
he wanted to buy new running shoes
so i and karthik followed him.
cause i had nothing to do at home anyways.
spent quite some time searching for his shoe.
went to addidas in the end.
and he bought some red running shoe.
went macs for lunch (again).
we talked for like 1 hour i think.
then we left.
the bus ride home was freaking long.
(but not as long as my bus ride from bedok
back home a few months ago XD)
the bedok bus ride took me like 2 hours.
Monday, November 17, 2008 @ 7:42 PM
there was sectionals (but none of the sec 3s came -.-)melvin ng came down today
taught us some stuff like music theory.
about rhythms and stuff.
sightread overture no. 1 for wind band
he taught us the accents and other stuff.
and that was about it.
went bpp to get some school stuff.
samuel followed along cause his house is just
walking dist. from bpp.
took 975 back home after that.
played some aoe 3, and went for music lesson.
nothing much happened.
went some new theory concepts, thats about it.
bye :)
Sunday, November 16, 2008 @ 8:36 PM
had madrasah earlier on.nothing special happened.
i think..
went back home,
and started packing for my last camp this year.
not a lot to pack for it though it's like 4 days long.
so, yeah..
there's nothing much today.
tmrw, i have like sectionals by melvin ng
he wants us to start on our syf set piece.
have to buy my books for next year also.
and i have music lesson in the afternoon.
so.. tmrw's QUITE a busy day.
Saturday, November 15, 2008 @ 7:17 PM
band as usual today.cause band camp is like next week, we'd to prepare for investiture.
spent like first 2 hours practicing the investiture.
marching up and down the track, while playing with instruments.
had combined band after that.
nat lee conducted sock hop tonight.
we played quite well this parade suprisingly,
and he added a new feature of saxophone into the song.
we had to stand up and play like some jazz people
during our section solo in the song.
its quite weird doing that, plus
its hard cause you had to coordinate by moving your body
and at the same time, you must play music.
went king albert after band with samuel tan, wallace and jordan.
they keep making fun of kelvin lim XD
cause of his big-sized body.
ate macs there and went back home.
went out to west coast for dinner.
walked around the park first.
zaki was busy playing his psp when we were at the park -.-
we sat down and looked at the ships coming in and out of the harbour.
i saw this super super big ship.
bigger than titanic xD
so i asked my dad what's is it?
he said it was to transport vehicles or something.
the ship was like the size of a building la.
it was so cool :)
Friday, November 14, 2008 @ 8:38 PM
333'09!!my class next year :)
so far.. i know quite a few people going to 333.
like yixiang, gregory, ben tay, daniel tan, shawn..
i think i have a record no one in my school has ever hold. XD
FIVE! (not one, not two, BUT FIVE) consecutive years in the same class.
yi xiang and me. even our psle scores almost the same.
i was soo happy i went to 333.
cause i could have gone to a lousier class lol.
went jp after the posting, to get zaki's repaired psp.
was around 7pm when i reached home.
when i opened the door, zaki was there. for what?
for his psp lol XD
i gave my results to my parents,
and yeah. thats about it. bye :)
@ 10:57 AM
there's seriously nothing to do during hols.play comp, play xbox, read books, go to school.
that's all. nothing else.
what's there to do?
Thursday, November 13, 2008 @ 8:55 PM
tmrw's the day that decides my fate for next year.or what azhar ghazali likes to call it, 'judgement day'
tmrw's the day i'll know what class i go to.
tmrw's the day i'll know what subjects i'm taking.
tmrw's ALSO the day when ace camp finishes XD
@ 7:54 PM
i've been like reading a lot this few days.well, at least more compared to last time.
just completed my 2nd book since last week.
strangely, i have a feeling, i like reading nowadays.
that's a good sign, isn't it?
12.11.08 [Part 2]
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 @ 8:28 PM
ok, since naz have 'nicely' and 'happily' tagged me to do the quiz,i shall do it. cause i'm kinda bored now. :)
Rule #1: People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
Rule #2: Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continuing this game by sending it to other people.
1. Do you have secrets?
ya duhh.
2. Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you?
i'm straight and im not a paedo.
3. Do you enjoy going to school?
yup. its bored staying at home.
4. What will you do with a billion dollars?
donate to charity
5. Would you fall in love with your best friend?
i'm straight.
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone, or being loved by someone?
being loved by someone i guess.
7. List out your 15 favourite songs:
i'll not waste my time doing this question :D
8. What is your favourite food?
fried rice :)
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
yeah. everybody has to feel happy in their lives, right?
10. What makes you angry?
when people keep pestering me.
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
we will just see for ourselves what happens to me.
12. Who is currently the most important people to you?
my family XD
13. What are the most important things in life?
i'll give the textbook answers :)
health. my family. my religion.
14. Single or attached?
15. What are your favourite colours?
blue. black. white.
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
17. If you fall in love with two people, who would you pick?
it depends. who would be the two people i fall in love with?
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done?
yup. i'm a caring and nice guy XD
19. What do you really want now?
uhh.. i dunno.
20. Five people that i have tagged:
[i won't tag back the people naz tagged]
samuel tan.
FINALLY, im done :)
12.11.08 [Part 1]
@ 8:20 PM
had sax-tionals today.samuel and leonard didn't come cause they had ace camp.
keith and zuriel, the tenor sax-ers also didn't come for some reason.
nothing special happened really.
in fact, it was quite boring.
arranged for music lesson on the afternoon.
just as my grade 5 theory exam ended,
grade 6 lessons started today.
it was kinda hard at first, but i think i understand.
now music lesson's 1h 30 mins, instead of 45 mins.
more longer than usual..
ok. now i shall do the quiz as promised XD
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 @ 9:31 AM
ACE CAMP!it was super tiring at first.
we reached in the afternoon,
and i was sweating like mad already.
but the camp got better over the days :)
so i don't really hate it.
in fact, i think im gonna miss it.
my class/force, which was TABA! had canoeing.
it rained so it was quite cooling.
we canoed like around a whole island and did some capsize drills.
my shoes were so soaked after that, together with my shirt.
that was about it for the first day.
nothing much.
oh, and we had to sleep in a tent with 20 people in it.
it was super super super hot and stuffy.
i sweated while sleeping XD
we had jungle survival in the morning.
had to create shelther and make a fire using the leaves and stuff.
our group cheated cause we used our insect repellent,
which was FLAMABLE XD
did outdoor cooking too, which was 'suppose' to be our lunch.
had orienteering in the afternoon.
it was quite fun cause it was like an amazing race.
our group was quite fast in finishing the thing.
despite the fact that we had shawn XD
who runs super slow.
no offence :)
rafting was our first activity.
was quite fun, but our group finished last.
my shirt was soaked as usual, cause we had to do river-crossing.
i threw my shoe after that.
climbed gunung lambak in the afternoon.
luckily it didn't rain that afternoon.
the slopes are damn steep, and so many people slipped while climbing.
a few in my force managed to reach the top (including me :D)
but some didn't cause there's no time.
the hard part was going down from the top.
we took like 1 hour going down, but was quite fun.
i was damn tired and my legs hurt after that.
i had a feeling that i was gonna miss the camp.
cause it was like the last time we can see each other as a class.
we did our last activity in the morning which was abseiling.
quite easy and we got it over with very fast.
we had to assemble after that which the other 5 classes/forces.
did some closing ceremony.
and they announced the best force in the camp. which was...
we rock man!
obviously, the whole class was damn happy.
the teachers gave us a present which was like snacks.
ate it in the bus back to singapore.
and there it is.
but it was quite a good ending to our sec 2 lives.
cause we managed to be the BESTclass among 6 classes.
Monday, November 10, 2008 @ 8:32 PM
hola!just got home from ACE camp :)
too lazy to update now..
i'll do it tmrw i think.
good luck to those in camp 2.
you're going to need it xD
Thursday, November 6, 2008 @ 2:27 PM
1 DAY TO ACE CAMP.my band senior is one of the ace leaders in the camp.
he kept telling us about his experience last year.
and it sounded as if i would survive ace camp. :D
just came back from band.
today's PT was super tiring, and that's cause we had to run.
we had to like run 1.6km under 10 minutes.
i keep pushing myself even when my leg hurts.
managed to finish it under 8+ mins, which is quite good.
but when i finished, i suddenly felt like my lungs hurt.
i couldn't breathe, and felt dizzy.
expectedly, my heart was beating damn fast.
but nevermind, im ok now :)
we had drills after 1.5hours of music.
the drills were sooo boring.
we came marching and marching around.
on the bus back home, i read finish 'ways to live forever'
somebody didn't want to tell me what happened in the end. xD
so i had to find the ending of the story by myself
and so i did.
it has a sad end to it, cause sam died in the end.
quite a nice book to read. i finished it in 3 days xD
its so boring during holidays so i decided to read. :)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 @ 5:35 PM
zaki wanted to go lot 1 again, so yeah.went there to eat lunch at long john silvers
cause he insisted in eating there.
after that, we went to ntuc cause i had to get some more camping stuff
i had to get whistle and had no idea where to buy it.
called sam tan, and he told me to go popular.
so i went there to check it out, and
suprisingly they sold.
zaki was the one who spotted it out for me.
cause his eyes are like super sharp,
and the whistles are so small, i can barely see them.
went home after that.
i'm so enthu about ace camp, that when i reached home
i immediately tried to pack finish my bag.
now, i'm only left with a 1 litre bottle which i don't have :P
this may sound crazy, but i can't wait for ace camp :)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008 @ 9:04 PM
hey!nothing much to blog about today.
went lot 1 with zaki to get some camp stuff.
that's when i notice it's just 3 more days away to ace camp
2 camps down, 2 more to go.
i've band on thurs so i have to start packing today.
which is precisely what i'm doing now.
i'm just taking a break from it for a while.
there's so many things that i haven't buy yet.
so tmrw's the only day i can go and buy them.
ok. going to continue packing now. cya :)
Monday, November 3, 2008 @ 8:48 PM
went to watch hsm3 with S6 :)some people were soo late XD
went swensons for breakfast.
ate some pancakes which i don't really like.
i prefer nasi lemak :D
anyways, fahmy met us an hour later
and went to get the tickets.
the movie was at 12.50 so we had 1 hour to waste first.
so we went to wisma and wheelock.
i think i had enough of crumplers XD
so many designs but the one i want is not available -.-
so anyways, the movie was ok la.
i can like anticipate the end of it.
so not that interesting haha xD
after that, we haed home.
took the bus, kamal was busy talking on the phone.
so he didn't really talk much to me and fahmy.
02.11.08 [Part 2]
Sunday, November 2, 2008 @ 8:49 PM
heres some pictures. thanks nevin, for the pics :D
sleeping on the track
playing soccer using the bottle cap XD
nikolas kena taupok by bryan david

@ 7:16 PM
PSLTC rocks!the camp was seriously damn fun
this like the first camp in sji, that i felt sad when the camp ended.
learned a lot of leadership stuff from it,
like you have to have a listening ear to your peers, stuff like that.
got to know a lot of people
and somehow i got famous by the end of the camp xD
cause apparently, every group have to make up something to perform
during the camp.
so.. our group: FRATER! , made up a skit.
and inside it have like lots of rubbish characters la.
and i was acting as a****.
apparently, i acted well according to my senior
there some obscene stuff in our skit which i shouldn't tell
but yeah.
since then people keep calling me that nickname.
when the last day came, we had to collect our psl shirts
so my group was called upon to receive the shirts,
then like so many people shouted a**** which was kinda weird.
the shouting must've started by brian -.-
anyways, we got 3rd among 12 groups for the skit.
not a bad performance right? XD
quite sick la i have to admit.
ok. i'll try to get pics.
till then.. PSLTC ROCKS!! :)