Thursday, October 30, 2008 @ 7:51 PM
as promised, here are the pics:playing arcade late at night
29.10.08 [Part 2]
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 @ 7:56 PM
the class chalet was kinda screwed up.but at least we had fun. :)
like 11 of us had to squeeze into one room,
which is meant for 4 people only.
just reached home from the chalet,
cause my mum doesn't allow me to stay more than 1 day.
well, the rest of them at the chalet are probably busy playing ps2 and dota XD
the chalet was kinda boring honestly.
it's seriously disorganized.
but what matters is that we get to bond with our fellow classmates.
reached pasir ris mrt on the tuesday
and met up with the other people.
took the shuttle bus to the chalet, which we had to wait for like 30 mins.
marcus set up his xbox at the chalet which he brought,
while me and a few others were busy playing cards XD
did some stupid stuff after that.
we played 'blind mice' and it was freaking lame.
saati managed to find a good hiding spot XD
where the blind mice can never find him.
we had wrestling after that on the beds.
the beds were seriously screwed up after that,
but the wrestling was freaking funny! XD
ate some satay and otah and rice which leyong catered for us already,
which was damn delicious.
ocy came after we had dinner, and he brought his ps2.
moses made a dream team based on our class,
and apparently, i'm like one of the defenders.
played winning eleven till like 10+,
then we went to E!HUB
we actually wanted to bowl but then the place is packed,
so we went to the arcade.
they overall spent like 30+ bucks there,
and guess what they got from paying all the 30 bucks.. :P
went to explore the place for a while
and went back to the chalet after that.
they played like all the way till like 6 in the morning?
so anyways, some ate at macs while some at burger king for breakfast.
went bowling after that, and i managed to score a strike! XD
ocy is freaking pro at it, yet the technique he uses is so calm and relaxed.
went back to chalet and they continued gaming.
(this is why it was quite boring)
in the afternoon, we wanted to play soccer
but some decided to go to wild wild wet.
me and a few others didn't go and went to the chalet's swimming pool instead.
wanted to play water polo, but there was a lifeguard there.
so they started throwing chieun wei's watch in the pool,
and went to play 'virus' after that in the water.
then it was time for me to go.
went back to chalet, bathed, and packed my stuff.
left with moses and chieun wei whose going home too.
p.s: i'll upload the photos tmrw xD
@ 8:46 AM
ello.i'm like in the chalet now, using jun xuan's laptop
woken up like 6+, and we've been slacking since then.
don't feel like updating now
so i'll do it later on.
Monday, October 27, 2008 @ 6:37 PM
CLASS CHALET IS TOMORROW! :Dwent to courts with my family, except zaki. whose busy 'sleeping' at home.
my parents wanted to courts to buy some furnitures
but they didn't in the end. couldn't make up their mind.
then, we had lunch at al-azhar. which was walking dist. from courts.
our food came quite late. and my mum was pissed because of that.
anyways, went lot 1 after that, cause my mum wanted to do some shopping.
met nicholas (tan) on the way with his family.
bought some jeans and track shoes for ace camp.
my mum bought some handkerchieves for my dad for his birthday.
so cheapskate right? haha XD
went home and watched kite runner, which we bought at lot 1.
didn't watch the whole thing though cause there's no time.
the movie was... ok? nothing special la. cause i read the book already XD
makan-ed dinner at rasa istimewa, together with my grandparents.
suprisingly, i wasn't full after that XD
anyways, we went home after that.
and yeah. that's it. :)
Sunday, October 26, 2008 @ 7:12 PM
gamed throughout the morning today.anyways, had madrasah in the afternoon.
we had to solat by ourselves again like last week.
kamal was annoying as usual.
kept delaying and delaying the solat time.
watched upin and ipin for the last half hour.
and went back home after that.
nothing special.
Saturday, October 25, 2008 @ 7:12 PM
band in morning like usual.didn't train for a long time
so drill session was a bit torturous XD
anyways, went ps after that.
brian tagged along
and karthik joined us later.
went comics connection and guess what?
so obviously, i bought it.
played part of it, and looks pretty fun :)
went kfc after that for lunch.
saw izhar and a few other ri boys there.
after lunch, went back home, and met sara on the way.
yeah that's about it.
Friday, October 24, 2008 @ 8:08 PM
math tdp selection test today.the paper was freaking hard!
i didn't complete the paper.
karthik didn't even do section b of the paper XD
anyways, went solat jumat after that.
there were quite a few of sji boys there, mainly sec 3s
makan lunch at kfc, and went lot 1 after that.
searched for age of empires 3.
and bought the asian dynasties version.
what i didn't know was that
the game that i bought was just an expansion pack.
at home, i insert the disk,
and they said the game cannot be installed (==..==)
then went jp searching for the original version.
asked fahmy for help, but out of 3 or 4 shops,
so, feeling demoralized...
i bought famous amos and went home.
age of empires 3: out of stock
Thursday, October 23, 2008 @ 7:49 PM
had band in the morning. like i said before,i and thaddaeus were the in-charges for today.
sec 3s had extra lessons
and we had to manage the whole training by ourselves.
i think, the training went well overall
there's no chaos, and nobody killed themselves.
so yeah, a good training :)
played soccer after that. sec 2s vs sec 1s.
and obviously, we know who won XD
went home after that, played call of duty for a while.
and slacked around.
nothing much. bye.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 @ 12:48 PM
the first day of holidays :Dand there's still two more month of holiday to go.
have band tmrw, which thaddaues and i going to be incharge of,
cause the sec 3s have extra lessons.
anyways, about what i did today.. (so far)
had music lesson just now.
did some melody writing and that's about it.
the lesson was soo boring..
45 mins of torture.
anyways, went home after that.
played call of duty 4, which my bro went to buy.
the gameplay is awesome! and the graphics too. XD
totally recommended if you like shooting games.
i think i'm going to continue playing it now XD.
ok bye.
20.10.08 [Part 2]
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 @ 7:52 PM
went banquet with fahmy after school today.
since, he ordered like two plates of rice with tom yam
i ordered nasi goreng and prata :D
which cost me like seven bucks.
we had nothing better to do after that.
so we decided to add our left-overs together.
haha there's the picture of it on top :)
nice right? so delicious.. yummy XD
its made of a secret recipe.
so i shan't reveal it XD
ok bye bye.
@ 5:35 PM
STDP SCIENCE. STDP MATHthe last official day of the school year.
the last time i'll ever step foot into 201.
the last time we unite as a class in school
during ceremony, the classes that were best in sports were announced.
and we
a good end to our sec 2 lives..
anyways, we got the shortlist for TDP classes.
i'm choosen to be in tdp science.
and have a choice to be in the math class.
i think i'll just be in the science class.
too lazy to go to the math selection test XD
Monday, October 20, 2008 @ 4:57 PM
had band early in the morning.then, i went to class for some activities.
we were suppose to do the finalisation of exam results
but cause we did it already last friday,
we were given a movie to watch.
the movie was like in japanese, with chinese subtitles
so how am i suppose to understand?
luckily, thaddaeus was there to help me
translate most of the stuff the characters said XD
anyways, the movie was quite interesting.
and fun to watch.
during recess, we were given threat by ms wong.
she was so nice to treat us to a macs breakfast meal
she even gave us ice creams after that.
sec 1s had some math competition after recess
and sec 2s were the audience -.-
what a waste of our time. so boring.
no offence.
went far east plaza to have lunch
far-mie was stoning, making crap jokes at farah XD
while we were busy eating.
after lunch, fahmy and i went home and met kamal
on the way. that's about it. bye.
19.10.08 [Part 3]
Sunday, October 19, 2008 @ 8:17 PM
FULL HISTORY. ELECTIVE LITERATUREmy humanities choice for next year :)
because somebody wants me to take history next year XD
and because i also kinda enjoy doing history than geog.
i shall take full history!
suprisingly, history which i totally suck at,
is my best subject among the three humanities subject.
for the end of year exams.
the deadline for the option forms is tomorrow.
so there's no turning back now.
i just hope this is the right choice i'm taking.
19.10.08 [Part 2]
@ 6:28 PM
had madrasah just now.kamal was
we had to solat asar ourselves (without the KBM1 class)
so whoelse did we nominate to be imam but.. KAMAL!
he kept on refusing to be imam
but in the end, he
'generously sacrificed' himself to become the imam. XD
after solat, uztazah taught us fiqh.
we were suppose to test each other questions about puasa.
the girls were supposed to give us questions and
we were suppose to give them questions as well.
kamal, being himself -.- , made some irrelavant questions
about bersetubuh during puasa (his favourite topic for fiqh)
he's just full of
19.10.08 [Part 1]
@ 10:18 AM
2 days left in school2 days left in 201
we'll all be seperated next year,
wearing long pants, taking our diff. subject combos
i'm gonna miss them. but there's still one activity left
to spend time with them all together.
And that is: ACE CAMP!
where we would unite together as one class for the last time.
possibly saying our last words to each other.
i hope it would be the best camp i ever had.
and the most memorable one too.
Saturday, October 18, 2008 @ 4:24 PM
today was met up with the fellow ex-6 sapphires
(whom i never meet since the start of the year)
i could recognise all of them
except for one.
a bunch of us arrived quite late
but we still got to attend the wedding mass.
after that, we ate lunch which is super nice! XD
we met our primary teachers there too
but i forgot all their names
so i didn't talk to any of them :)
hang out with my ex-classmates for a while,
talk talk talk,
then some of us (including me) headed home.
the rest went to play LAN i think.
17.10.08 [Part 2]
Friday, October 17, 2008 @ 9:31 PM
as you can seei've changed the skin of the blog :D
sorry if some of your links aren't there
i lost the links while
changing the skin..
17.10.08 [Part 1]
@ 3:20 PM
RESULTS are out!i was freaking scared before
it was released.
but anyways..
here are the results:
english - 68 -.-
higher malay - 63 (zzz so disappointing)
literature - 68
geography - 66
history - 83 :D
chemistry - 94 xD
physics - 88
biology - 77
mathematics - 88 :)
and my total percentage is..
haha my best so far in sji.
i feel so happy :)
oh congratz to kamal
who have tried his best (i think)
for the FYEs :D
Thursday, October 16, 2008 @ 9:32 PM
today was review of the exam papers.english was first.
then followed by the sciences,
math and lastly higher malay.
i think i totally screwed up
my malay kefahaman
so yeah..
i think i'll do badly for the paper
results released tmrw :D
hope i do well
i seriously hope so.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 @ 10:58 AM
today's 2nd day of marking dayi've been slacking at home
since like in the morning.
had music lesson
and ate TWO packets of
as exam's are over,
another exam is coming..
grade 5 theory exams
my teacher wants me to get
distinction for it, which is like
super hardd
anyways, its so boring at home,
nothing to do except
use the comp..
sooo boring, my parents have work
my bro have school.
no one to talk to..
Tuesday, October 14, 2008 @ 8:14 PM
today was marking day.but there was still school..
anyways, we had like ace briefing
for the whole day.
did some admin stuff, and alfred nathan
was super pissed when giving the talk.
the whole thing ended like 12+
met up with kamal
went paragon to search for my crumpler
but there wasn't one..
he had to go back for LAMDAtalk
so i went bishan to meet alisa and farah..
who were lepaking.
then we met up with kamal and fahmy,
and went to jp.
naz joined us, and ate
fahmy was being like yesterday..
but it was freaking funny la
he and his jokes
today was a good day :)
Saturday, October 11, 2008 @ 12:29 PM
yay!! finally exams ended!(except math paper 2. but who cares xD)
anyways, went to watch eagle eye yesterday.
with S6 and mur.
i had no idea what the movie was about
till fahmy told me.
anyways, the movie featured saxophone!
cool right? xD haha.
after the movie, kamalisa left cause
they got curfew.
we all went to bishan lib for some reason.
fahmy was like reading comics,
farah was reading her book,
so i go take some china books and read.
i gave up reading them
like 10 minutes after that :D
yeah after slacking, i and fahmy went home.
took mrt and i badly wanted to go banquet
but fahmy doesn't want to -.-
went home, gamed for a while
and went rayaing with my family.
we only visited like 2 houses
and then we went home.
thats about it. bye.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008 @ 6:45 PM
the most torturing paper to me
has come and past xD
among all the papers, this is the paper
that i'm most scared, i cannot complete in time
but luckily, i managed to finish 15 minutes
before the paper ended :D
the paper was not that hard la
just hope i dont get below B4 for it xD
Monday, October 6, 2008 @ 6:36 PM
i feel screwed for history.
i feel like my time i spent to mug
history yesterday was totally wasted..
im just not a hist. person..
maths made me feel better though :D
i thought i couldn't finish the paper in time..
but at least, i managed to attempt
all the questions xD
hope i get A.
Saturday, October 4, 2008 @ 6:37 PM
went raya-ing just now.but before that...
i mugged HISTORY like for 1/2 hour
immediately after i woke up.
so rajin right? xD
anwyays, mugged somemore after
eating breakfast..
and like around 12, we went
i could mug like at the first house.
my grandaunt's house
but the second house had a large LG tv,
and i was super distracted xD
HBO! haha
watched a super nice war type of movie xD
after that, went to my 3rd house,
and we're done!
very short raya-ing.:D
cause i have EXAMS!!
Friday, October 3, 2008 @ 5:40 PM
just to let you know,
i didn't revise as much
as i wanted to for physics.
i was so worried i would do damn badly
but the paper turned out to be ok.
compared answer with my friends xD
and the questions that i got prob. doing
turned out to be similar to my friend's
thats a good sign right?
didn't do a single preparation
for higher malay.
i didn't memorise the formats
luckily, julian helped me xD
i struggled writing la
cause like there's alot of words
which i do not know it in malay.
so frustrating.
a B grade is enough for me :D
for malay.
anyways, had extra lesson after that.
Feroz took like 20 mins just
to come to our class.
can't she like walk faster? -.-
i was like walking to the canteen,
then tan soo hon said, feroz is in
our class already.
so irritating.
went library to mug
a failed attempt though.
we were like throwing paper balls
at each other.
i wonder who's idea was it... xD
sorry for hitting you. haha
see my apology is sincere :D
anyways, yeah thats about it.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 @ 9:24 PM
just got back from raya-ingargh..
my stomach is freaking pain!
i made a promise to my family
that i would eat at every house
eat as in, not just kuehs.
and this is what i get.
anyways, visited 5 houses today
together with my cousins and uncles.
nothing much really.
and thats about it.
Selamat Hari Raya!
but most importantly,