Monday, January 12, 2009 @ 10:01 PM
o levels result was released today.half way during bio lesson, mr lui announced sji average dropped to 10.4
then everybody started arguing for a holiday the next day XD
just like last year.
school ended 1pm
suppose to have batch pt but i don't know what happen.
went to bpp with pin ren, jordan and the rest instead.
bought some food and went sam's house to eat.
kel played the piano non stop (super noisy)
jordan, pin ren, wallace and sam played mah jong,
i just watched on cause i have no idea how to play XD
pin ren, kel and jord left around 4.
then we all the rest went to do homework.
then we felt sian, so started to play some games.
ended up to a point that we start prank calling people.
wallace super pro at prank calling.
a natural expert XD
out of the people who kena pranked, i think only nicholas was totally fooled.
the rest all know that karthik, sam and wallace all are pranking them.
i never prank anyone.
see, i so good :D