25.08.08 [Part 2]
Monday, August 25, 2008 @ 8:23 PM
my HDB block just got a blackout a few minutes ago

super cool cause like
the whole corridor is totally dark
and spooky.. :D
my side of the block not affected
don't know why..
but the other side was totally affected
even their homes are dark
everybody in the block like going around
with their torches
i can even hear screams lol. dunno for what..
anyways, the block is still under blackout
actually the lights went on but then
it went off again
happening like 3 times already lol.
quite cool right? XD
i mean it isn't everyday that your block
experiences black-outs ;D
anyways, these are some pics:
the dark spooky corridor..
the lights went on
and off again..