Saturday, February 2, 2008 @ 5:00 PM

Today's Parade

Today, there's band training. Like any other.. I wake up, get ready and go play soccer at the hockey pitch first before the training start.. Today training quite special cause we got new recruits (Sec 1s). Finally, my batch are not the junior of the band.. Hooray!! :D Anyways.. the Sec 1s gathered at the Foyer just like the rest of the band.. then I guess they went to leaern some basic drills.. Zhi Bin, the former QM was there.. I guess he wanted to have a look at the new Sec 1s XD..

In the morning, we had some physical training.. then we watched a movie of Japanese Band. How they play music and do their practice and stuff like that.. After that, we head back to the band room to practice Jericho.. which was to me quite good. When the music practice ended, still got 1/2 hr before the training ends. So guess what? We did QM Stuff :D So fun.. In the end, we got like 1 629 000 push ups. We cheated of course but for me.. somehow QM Stuff is more fun than doing 'hentak' in the hot sun for minutes.. After training, we played soccer as usual then I went home.. The end.